iDPS for Healthcare

Identify and classify PHI across your data stores.
Manage data access to keep it safe.
Healthcare organizations like hospitals, clinics, medical centers, and labs deal with a lot of sensitive data. From patient data to clinical, research, and insurance data, cyber attackers find an attractive target in healthcare data that sells at a premium on the dark web. Protecting PHI is critical for healthcare, not only to ensure continuity of patient care but also to comply with and prove compliance with the HIPAA requirements.

Secure PHI

Identify and classify PHI across your cloud and onprem databases. Monitor how PHI is accessed and shared. Implement controls over data access and usage to improve PHI security.

Easily satisfy HIPAA audit requirements

Identify and classify PHI across your cloud and onprem databases. Monitor how PHI is accessed and shared. Implement controls over data access and usage to improve PHI security.

Accurately locate your PHI

With iDPS Data Classification, get accurate information on the number of files with specific keywords like PHI, PII, and PCI with details of their exact location in your environment. Use this information to plan for data protection measures.

Data breach investigation

If a data breach incidence occurs, use the data classification information and reports to understand which file or folder had open access permissions and a malicious insider or hacker would have had access to, to conduct the breach.

Use Case: iDPS for

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