iDPS for HITRUST CSF Compliance

Complying with HITRUST Framework is complex.
Get help with our compliance remediation solution.
Healthcare industry has changed tremendously over the last few years with digitization and new technologies facilitating online connected devices and telehealth speeding up patient care and other healthcare operations. On one hand, healthcare data collection continues to rise exponentially and on the other, healthcare’s attack surface is rapidly growing too. Regulations such as HIPAA and HITRUST have come into existence to strengthen cybersecurity and prevent attacks but, they have also increased the burden on the healthcare industry to keep up with the complex regulatory requirements.

What is HITRUST Common Security Framework (CSF)?

HITRUST stands for the Health Information Trust Alliance. Founded in 2007, HITRUST helps organizations to achieve HIPAA compliance by prioritizing the full set of controls and requirements and breaking down their implementation into phases. The HITRUST CSF (Common Security Framework) combines requirements from multiple standards and frameworks like HIPAA, PCI, NIST, and ISO to outline a set of controls for organizations to secure their networks.

HITRUST CSF Control Solutions from iDPS

iDPS shows you where your sensitive data is located. Understand your internal data: what structured and unstructured data you hold across your environment through complete visibility of permission on sensitive files and folders. Complete data scanning and detailed reports by iDPS help you to know your inventory on unstructured data. Get knowledge about access controls on internal data with the visibility of permission on each file/folder. Manage risk to data privacy with our comprehensive data governance and information risk solution.

See how iDPS product features map with HITRUST CSF Controls

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